Prime Vision Smart Systems have already proven their value in the Australian market and now Europe is set to benefit from the company’s different approach to process and automation system design. Indeed it is a total custom concept which is believed to be unique in the postal market.

What sets these systems apart is that they are bespoke combinations of hardware and software components that are optimally suited for the task. They are not constructed from an established range of modules that are only partially effective. And if an essential element doesn’t exist, the development team will simply make it.

The resultant Smart System may be totally constructed from Prime Vision hardware and software. But, if the best solution cannot be home grown, Prime Vision will propose the inclusion of elements from other industry partners, including those from the customer’s preferred or existing supplier.

The goal is to create the best system for the job, not the best job that can be done by a restricted choice of components. And the benefits are time and costs savings, and reduced error rates as well as new functionality and services.

“We are already in discussion with a number of European posts who can see the advantages of the Smart System concept,” explained Prime Vision’s Marketing Director, Mark Ryder. “Requirements range from making manual sorting cabinets smarter, product registration and image lift systems, revenue protection and quality control initiatives and reject mail processing.”

Quelle: www.primevision.com

Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 28.11.2014 in News (In- und Ausland), Sonstige Produkte / Services / Dienstleistungen.